19 MAR 2015 by ideonexus


In 2007 two researchers, chemist Martin Hanczyc and artificial life scientist Takashi Ikegami, who were collaborating across disciplines agreed to test a hypothesis about the earliest forms of life (Hanczyc et al. 2007). They hypothesized that life’s precursors would need to move around their environment to take advantage of a resource-rich situation on early Earth. Hanczyc made a model system to test this hypothesis using an oil droplet that he bestowed with an internal chemical reaction, ...
Folksonomies: biology origin of life
Folksonomies: biology origin of life
  1  notes

From Rachel Armstrong's "Alternative Biologies"

24 DEC 2013 by ideonexus

 An Early Experiment Hinting at DNA

Anomaly (2) was observed by Fred Griffith, decades before DNA and the genetic code. He found that if you inject a heat-treated, dead, virulent species of bacteria (pneumococcus S) into a rat previously infected with a nonvirulent species (pneumococcus R), then species R became transformed into species S, thereby killing the rat. About fifteen years later, Oswald Avery found that you can even do this in a test tube; dead S would transform live R into live S if the two were simply incubated tog...
Folksonomies: history genetics dna
Folksonomies: history genetics dna
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V. S. Ramachandran on a fascinating experiment involving combining dead bacteria with live to produce new bacteria.

21 AUG 2013 by ideonexus

 Drugs is a Human Construct

The human body is an assembly of chemicals, as is all food & all medicine. So what we label as a drug is a social construct. Lifting weights changes your bio-physiology in a way that creates performance-enhancing effects on your body. Drinking coffee changes your metabolism in a way that creates performance-enhancing effects on your body. Eating breakfast changes your biochemstry in a way that creates performance-enhancing effects on your body. Practicing in your sport of choice creat...
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Everyone and every substance is chemicals and molecules. How we classify them is purely a social construct.

11 JUN 2012 by ideonexus

 Deducing the Original Arrangement of Chemicals

The chemists who uphold dualism are far from being agreed among themselves; nevertheless, all of them in maintaining their opinion, rely upon the phenomena of chemical reactions. For a long time the uncertainty of this method has been pointed out: it has been shown repeatedly, that the atoms put into movement during a reaction take at that time a new arrangement, and that it is impossible to deduce the old arrangement from the new one. It is as if, in the middle of a game of chess, after the ...
Folksonomies: history chemistry
Folksonomies: history chemistry
  1  notes

From a compound is like trying to figure out the history of a chess game from the positions of the pieces on the board at present.